Recognising that our projects have common stakeholders and similar objectives in supporting law enforcement against organised crime and terrorism, we have formed a cluster with these objectives:

  1. To share knowledge in order to support law enforcement against money-laundering, cybercrime, organised crime and terrorism, for example, by webinars for the partners in the cluster.

  2. To leverage our dissemination activities by mentioning the projects in the cluster on our websites, inviting articles from the cluster projects in our newsletter.

  3. To ensure the coherence and complementarity of our recommendations to the EC, LEAs and other stakeholders, as far as possible.

  4. To explore a degree of interoperability or compatibility between our technical platforms, modules and/or services.

  5. To explore synergies, research opportunities and possible joint exploitation activities.


Project Coordinator: David Wright

CC-DRIVER is a three-year, EU-funded project investigating the drivers of cybercrime and, especially, how young people can be turned away from cybercrime to use their talents in more socially productive ways. The €5 million project began in May 2020, has 13 partners from eight countries and is co-ordinated by Trilateral Research (UK). For more information, see the CC-DRIVER website.


Project Coordinator: Raquel Pastor

COPKIT is a three-year, EU-funded project that addresses the problem of analysing, preventing and investigating the use of ICTs by organised crime and terrorist groups. In this context, the project is developing a toolkit to support the Early Warning (EW)/Early Action (EA) methodology. The €5 million project began in June 2018, has 18 partners from 13 countries and is co-ordinated by Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España (ISDEFE) (ES). For more information, see the COPKIT website.


Project Coordinator: Dr Dimitrios Tzovaras

DARLENE is a three-year project that will offer European law enforcement agencies an augmented reality ecosystem with powerful deep learning algorithms that will improve situational awareness and effectiveness in all security verticals. The €7 million project will begin in September 2020, has 15 partners from 10 countries and is co-ordinated by the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) (GR). For more information, see the DARLENE page on CORDIS.


Scientific Coordinator: Dr Ray Genoe, University College Dublin

INSPECTr is a three-year project that will develop a shared intelligent platform and novel process for gathering, analysing, prioritising and presenting key data to help in the prediction, detection and management of crime in support of multiple agencies at the local, national and international level. The €7 million project began in September 2019, has 18 partners from 13 countries and is coordinated by University College Dublin (IE). For more information, see the INSPECTr website.



Project Coordinator: Prof Umut Turksen

PROTAX is a three-year, EU-funded project that aims to generate, in close co-operation with practitioners, policy guidelines and toolkits to harmonise the treatment of tax crime and enhance information sharing across different European jurisdictions. The €3 million project began in May 2018, has 9 partners from 6 countries and is co-ordinated by Coventry University (UK). For more information, see the PROTAX website.


Project Coordinator: Dr Gregorio López

The RAYUELA project is a three-year project with a budget of €5 million. The project will begin in October 2020, has 17 partners from 9 countries and is co-ordinated by Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ES).  It will bring together experts from different areas of knowledge from all over Europe to develop an interactive story-like game that, on the one side, will allow minors to learn good practices on the use of the Internet and associated technology by playing, and, on the other side, will allow modelling, in a friendly and non-invasive manner, online habits and potential risk profiles related to cybersecurity and cybercriminality, providing Law Enforcement Agencies with scientifically sound foundations to define appropriate policies. For more information, see the RAYUELA page on CORDIS.


Project Coordinator: Dr Petr Motlicek

ROXANNE is a three-year project, with aim to develop a platform that will increase agencies’ capabilities via voice recognition, language and video technologies. The project will support LEA’s activities through multilanguage applications based on voice, text and face technologies. The €7 million project began in September 2019, has 24 partners from 16 countries and is co-ordinated by Idiap Research Institute (CH). For more information, see the ROXANNE website.

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