Terrorist threats at EU summit

The use-case is related to the specific mission of LEAs to identify threats, prevent and counteract the actions of criminal/terrorist organizations/radicalized individuals, against a protected dignitary (VIP), during public events, organized in indoor and outdoor environments.  The use case is applicable for all law enforcement agencies which deal with mass gathering management, but especially for those specialized in VIP protection during these types of events. The use case describes very well some real missions that already took place at the beginning of 2019, when Romania assumed the presidency of the EU Council, an occasion in which the entire country, but especially the capital city – Bucharest, was in the focused attention of international citizens, media, organizations, etc. Equally importantly, in terms of security, the country gained the attention of the terrorist individuals or groups that considered this as a great opportunity to express their beliefs in harmful manners. This kind of threats are those that are mainly targeted by ROSPP in order to prevent any attack affecting directly the protected dignitaries and indirectly the population. The overall mission for ROSPP, during these types of missions is to determine the level of threat, to identify suspicious persons and look for suspicious items or activities, in order to prevent criminal/terrorist activity.


The scenario behind this use case, is represented by the official meeting of several VIPs (Head of State, Prime Minister, Ministers) during an international summit. The meeting also includes some activities (indoor and outdoor) where general public and journalists participates. The task for SPP is to plan, coordinate and command all the security measures, in close collaboration with other national and international agencies. Based on relevant intelligence, mainly provided through data crawling and analysis capabilities, the terrorist alert level is yellow (available information and recent events indicate that there is a general terrorist risk, possibly a terrorist attack). SPP in collaboration with other agencies are in charge for securing the event, using the newest PREVISION platform and an integrated concept of protection is adopted.

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